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  • Writer's pictureHannah Middleton

Food project

For my second community art project we did food and I did dairy intolerant

Dairy is one of the biggest things in this world you can get it in a lot of things chocolates, cake, cheese , puddings. drinks, and the thought of not been able to have any of them probably fill you will dread as I know a lot of people say that when I tell them im Dairy Intolerant

So for my project I wanted to show people how not been able to have Dairy is not as bad as people think and to show people the wonderful alternatives you can have :) including dairy free ice cream which might sound not to good but believe me its wonderful :) , all the dairy free cakes you can get what taste believe it or not like regular cakes and even all the different flavour milks :)

Here is my project of the food I miss and the new food I now love :)

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