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  • Writer's pictureHannah Middleton


IN Community Art in 2018 we had to do a identity project and I did facial disfigurement

I Was Born with a facial difference and growing up with extremely challangeing as I did sadly get very badly bullied due to what I look like and I know many other people with a facial difference have got bullied and its not right. So for my project I did facial disfigurement bullying as no onw should be bullied for been unique as everyone is beautiful the way they are. So I wanted to show people not to judge people on their uniqueness and what bullying can do to people as well <3

Here is my project :) I did 2 portraits of me one of me at school and one of me now and to show people everyone is human and no one should be bullied for having something unique about them <3

Let spread the kindness to everyone we meet

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